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- Inputs
- Full Sequential (4 Cyl) Fuel & Ignition
- Semi Sequential (4 Cyl, 6 Cyl and 8 Cyl)
- Trigger per Event & TDC input (Opt)
- Trigger Wheel Options Available Now:60-2, 36-1, 36-2,12-1, 100-2, 30-1, 18-1
- Built in MAP 1 – 5 Bar user Selectable
- Map / Tps Mix 25% or 50% User Set
- OE Water and Air Temp NTC2 Inp
- Pot Box Fuel (-10% – 10%)
- Pot Box Ign (-6 deg to 0 deg retard)
- Lambda Std 4 wire or 5 wire WB Special
- Launch (Map2 Only) and Flatshift
- Outputs
- 4 Main Injector (1-16ohm) Sequential
- 2 Main Injector and 2 Staged Semi Seq
- 4 Coils Direct Fire, Ext Fire optional
- 3 * GPO for idle, boost control, vvti, flap etc.
- Fuel Pump, Tacho and Fan
- No External Drivers Required
- Can Run Main Inj on TPS and Staged inj on MAP
- Ideal for Opel Ecotech, VW GTi4, Alfa TS, Lexus V8, Renault, Citroen, Peugeot, VR6, Lumina V8 6.0, Rotary 13A or B, Most Turbo’s with multi Coil