Spitronics Orion-2 Standard
Fixed Inputs
2x Digital Inputs for Magnetic, Hall or Optic sensors. (Jumper selectable)
3x Analog Input 0-5V (May be used by firmware as digital)
1x Built in 3 Bar MAP Sensor input 0-5V (Optional. Sensor is sold Separately)
1x Water Temperature Input 2K NTC Resistance Sensor with 1K pull-up resistor Jumper selectable
1x Air Temperature Input 10K NTC Resistance Sensor with 7K5 pull-up resistor Jumper selectable
3Pin USB D-Bug Connection
Fixed Outputs
4x 18A 500V Ground / Floating output *
4x 6A 36V +12V / Floating Overcurrent Protected *
5x 19A 41V Ground / Floating
1x 19A 41V Ground / Floating, 1K pull-up resistor to 12V Jumper selectable
5V 600mA Power Output for TPS & Map Sensor and Magnetic Pickups
* These outputs share the same output from the Micro
General Purpose I/O
These GP I/O can be used as one of the following features. Note that they are software selectable and requires Jumper settings on the board.
I/O 1
18A 500V Ground / Floating output
Digital Input to Ground
Analog 0 to 5V with 10K Pull-up to 5V
Serial Bus1
I/O 2
18A 500V Ground / Floating output
Digital Input to Ground
Analog 0 to 5V with 74K Pull-up to 5V
Serial Bus2
Software UART Connection via USB2 converter cable
Universal Serial Bus (Optional)